TRADEWITH.US is a software and academy company within trading strategies and solutions.
The cornerstone in our DNA is to help people gain success and good strategies within forex- and daytrading. Our software solutions is developed to give guidelines and “helping hands” in market strategies, algorithmic potentials and where traders connected to our services sees marked trends and potentials.
Our academy is there to assist brand new traders to get a good start in trading, with strategies, structure and trends – as well as support from other traders.
Behind the company we have a team of partners, primarily located at our HQ in Dubai.
Alberthe Petersen, Certified professional funded trader and responsible for our academy as well as the one who oversees our trades and strategies within the manual and expert trading. Meliva Creaven who is responsible for our ambassador & B2B sales. Hendrick AJ Fruergaard, who is responsible for strategic partnerships and development.
The team has extensive knowledge in trading, solutions and investment solutions, and together they have a mix that secures the best potential for success for our clients. The partnership has years of experience in trading, as well knowledge and experience in EA Trading solutions in Dubai since 2017, where one of our founding partners was CEO of the forex algorithm trading company AlgoMena FZE.
In October 2023 the software behind our solutions was entering the final test phase, and TRADEWITH.US Solutions LLC was established by one of our founding partners. Today the company is owned by Alberthe Petersen and Hendrick AJ Fruergaard.