How would you like to let your funds on your own investment account, just grow month by month?
Thats actually what our software does – you just connect it to our platform, and it automatically takes trades and grow your own account.
No transfer of your money to us
You have full control of your own account and own funds
You can at any time disconnect our software
You can at any time withdraw or deposit funds to your account… Its yours!
We deliver various solutions used for account management. Eg. our trading solutions, where you connect your investment account to our software that then trades for you.
Our software is backtested back to before 9/11 and the financial crisis. Our software is calibrated to accounts on USD100.000, but tested functional down to USD10.000,- for our primary solutions, and USD1.000,- on our “Kickstart” solution. We don’t recommend balances below that. On an account on 50.000 our client feedback is average profit on 8-15% a month – December and July excluded. The software fee is 30% (High-Water Mark) invoiced monthly – by the connecter.
We also provide signal solutions, and academy training for you that wants to learn to trade for yourself – with funding or with own funds.
In cooperation with an external partner, we can also provide AMS (Account Management Solution), that is managed automated trading. This solution is only for deposit above USD 20.000,- and has a higher cost (and higher profit). Read more about AMS here.
Book a 20min. intro meeting with one of our consultants: